

Make it easy for everyone to request jobs in the maintenance depatment The module Job Request makes it easy to request the maintenance department to create a task – even…

Supplier Qualifications

Perfekt overblik over alle dine maritime leverandører og deres præstation Supplier Qualifications-modulet giver indkøbere mulighed for at indtaste information om leverandører i SERTICA. Eksempler på sådan information inkluderer tidligere forhandlinger…


Integrer med tredjepartssystemer anvendt i shippingindustrien SYNC-modulet synkroniserer data mellem SERTICA og dit ERP-system, såsom Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Microsoft Dynamics AX, SAP, J.D. Edwards og andre økonomisystemer eller andre tredjepartssystemer…

Task List

Oversigt over alle opgaver Opgavelisten fungerer som det centrale sted, hvor man kan få et overblik over alle arbejdsgange i SERTICA og hurtigt finde specifikke elementer, f.eks. købsordrer, der skal…


Optimer fremtidige vurderinger Vetting modulet hjælper tankindustrien med at forbedre deres respons på observationer, der er foretaget under en vurderingsinspektion. Ved at opretholde data i SERTICA kan du optimere fremtidige…


Compare costs and performance The Analytics module is the perfect platform for creating key performance indicators (KPIs). It enables the comparison of costs and performance of different sites and departments….


The Defect Reporting module handles identifying unplanned maintenance jobs. When a defect is detected on a component, the information is reported and registered in SERTICA as a “defect job”. Once…


The Document Management module safely stores, updates and distributes documents. It handles all file types e.g. Word and PDF, drawings, videos and photos. Documents related to maintenance procedures, technical information,…

Dynamic Dashboard

Management and follow-up tool The Dynamic Dashboard module creates an overview of any data in SERTICA you wish to monitor on a regular basis. This could be overdue critical maintenance…


The Forms module is a flexible tool consisting of electronic templates designed to support and guide the users to submit information and reports in a well-known and consistent manner. The…


The inventory management module allows you to relate spare parts with components, which makes it easier to do procurement. By clicking on the component in the tree structure, you can…


The Job List module is the primary screen for most users in their daily interaction with SERTICA. It gives an overview of all jobs due, overdue or activated within a…